Chaturbate Shouts Kelly Tesh For National Fetish Day – @Kellytesh_, @chaturbate

Top adult cam site, Chaturbate, salutes Kelly Tesh on their X page with a post that celebrates International Fetish Day, also known as National Fetish Day. The post simply read “No shame in your kink game. Happy National #FetishDay!
Babepedia: Kelly Tesh
Here is a link to the post directly:
What is International Fetish Day?
According to “International Fetish Day is held annually on the third Friday in January and this year, it falls on January 17. It is a day primarily set aside to increase awareness and support of B.D.S.M. — erotic practices between consenting adults. It also encourages members of the community to be more open about their sexuality. International Fetish Day opposes the law criminalizing possessing the fetishes tagged as ‘extreme pornography.’ “